In order to protect public safety and welfare, Miami-Dade, Broward, and Plam Beach counties have enacted ordinances
that require structural and electrical recertifications of buildings 30 years old and every 10 years thereafter. The intention
is not to bring the building up to current code but rather to determine if the building, in its current condition, should
function as originally intended, or if repairs are needed. Bliss & Nyitray, Inc. (BNI) has the expertise to provide the structural
recertification and, if necessary, design needed structural repairs. We can also recommend Electrical Engineering firms for
the electrical recertification or hire them on your behalf.
To answer any questions or to obtain a quote, please contact Joe Servos, P.E.
Phone: (305) 351-0230
ㅤㅤㅤ (772) 538-1403