

Building Security.

In order to protect public safety and welfare, Miami-Dade, Broward, and Plam Beach counties have enacted ordinances
that require structural and electrical recertifications of buildings 30 years old and every 10 years thereafter. The intention
is not to bring the building up to current code but rather to determine if the building, in its current condition, should
function as originally intended, or if repairs are needed. Bliss & Nyitray, Inc. (BNI) has the expertise to provide the structural
recertification and, if necessary, design needed structural repairs. We can also recommend Electrical Engineering firms for
the electrical recertification or hire them on your behalf.

To answer any questions or to obtain a quote, please contact Joe Servos, P.E.

Phone: (305) 351-0230
ㅤㅤㅤ  (772) 538-1403


  1. You receive a letter from the County or City.
  2. Proposal – We’ll send you a fee proposal for our service.
  3. Inspect – We’ll visually inspect to determine the general condition of the structure and other required components per the published county guidelines.
  4. Document – We’ll prepare the report, with several photos, documenting our
  5. Submit - If no repairs are needed, then BNI submits to you a signed and sealed report for you to submit, along with the electrical report, through the online portal, mail or in person. BNI can guide you through the submittal process. If they don’t have comments, then you are all set for the next 10 years.
  6. Repairs – Should the structure require repairs, and you retained us to prepare repair drawings, we’ll submit those drawings to you so you can submit for permit and to contractors to bid on.
  7. Extension – Often repairs require a time extension. We can author a letter for you to submit.
  8. Once the repairs are completed, we’ll reinspect and then issue a clean recertification report without deficiency comments, and you are all set for the next 10 years.



  • Time is of the essence! Within 90 days of the date of the letter, you are required to hire a Florida-registered engineer who must visit the site, prepare the report, and provide it to you for submittal to the building department.
  • A 60-day extension may be granted to submit the report, or, in the case of repairs, to submit repair drawings for a permit (extensions, six months at a time, may be granted).



  • Penalties can be extremely costly, up to $10,000 per violation. In extreme cases, penalty can increase to a property lien, referral to the Unsafe Structures Unit, building evacuation, and demolition.


  • BNI has been performing building safety inspections since 1975.
  • We have completed 87 structural building recertifications within the last three years.
  • We employ 20 Florida licensed engineers who are qualified to perform structural recertifications.

Yes! Our experienced team is trained to inspect various types of buildings across multiple sectors, ensuring compliance and safety for every structure. Refer to the Recertifications Project Pages below for a sample of our diverse experience.

While it’s not always necessary for you to be on-site during the inspection, we do need you or a designated representative to be available to provide access to all areas of the structure. This ensures that we can inspect those areas, any questions can be answered immediately, and any findings can be discussed as they arise. We will coordinate with you to schedule the inspection at a time that’s convenient for you.

The duration of a recertification inspection depends on the complexity and size of the structure being inspected. Simple inspections may take only a few hours, while more detailed inspections could take days.